“… Almost Mad With Sorrow…”, 2021
"...The Window Breathing Deeply...", 2021
"...The Hesitant Visitor...", 2019
Penwith Gallery 2021
"...Think Of Me At This Hour...", 2020
"...Some Memory Or Other...", 2021
“… Fear Of Your Forgetting…”, 2021
"...Almost With Aversion...", 2020
"...Each Day At Noon...", 2019
“…Lightsome And Frivolous Things…” (Diptych), 2020
"...Anyting Else At Last..." (Diptych), 2021
"...A Rather Awkward Pause...", 2020
“…Everything As Much As Possible…”, 2021
"...The Grey Earth Had Merged...", 2021
"...To Settle What Remains..." (Triptych), 2019
“… Then I Began…”, 2021
"...The Darkness Of The Square...", 2021
"...Befitting The New Order...", 2020
"...Every Kind Of Wrong...", 2019
"... A Few Moments of Forgetfulness...", 2019
"... Incredulous To The Last...", 2019
"...The Sounds For Which They Stood...", 2019
"...Any Clear Conception...", 2021
"...From The First Moment..."
"...Eagerness And Infatuation...", 2020
"... Into The Bright Light...", 2019
"...Words Without Being...", 2019
"...An Odd, Light Footstep...", 2019
"...Nothing So Very Remarkable...", 2018
"...Just Listen For A Moment...",  2018
"...Under Skies Never Seen...", 2019
"...Small Sounds Carried Far...", 2019
"...The Slightest Lapse...", 2018
"...Happily Surrendered...", 2019
"...All In A Moment...", 2019
"... The Door Stood Open...", 2019
"...All Sorts Of Impossible...", 2019
"...The Course Of The Morning...", 2019
"...Digging For Apples...", 2019
"...Correspondence As A Proof...", 2019
"...Five Times Four Is Twelve...",  2018
"...A Sudden Burst of Tears...",  2018
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